Saturday, December 17, 2011

End of the Year Blurb

September 15, 2011 marked the one year anniversary for the Youth Food Action Project.  The project is supported a USDA Community Food Project Grant.  My colleague Janet Page Reeves and I finished compiling the data in early December and submitted the annual report to the USDA.  Year one was an overwhelming success!  In the original proposal our goal was to serve 70 youth, and we exceeded that by a long shot.  Over 500 youth ranging in ages from five to college level participated in gardening activities in the South Valley, Martineztown, and the International District.

Students from Dragon Farm at South Valley Academy worked with youth in the International District and Martineztown District to support, expand, and create new gardens.  Highland High School now has an edible courtyard in the center of the

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Brian Najera 11th Grade SVA Service Learning student

My experience working with Andrew Marcum’s UNM Service Learning students was pretty cool.  We got to work with them creating new ideas, instead of them telling us what we were going to do.