Dragon Farm serves as a model of sustainability for the students at South Valley Academy as well as the surrounding community. The "outdoor classroom" began as a student service learning project in 2007 and adopted the name of the school mascot. The program has been integrated into the school's curriculum, mostly with the biology department. Dragon Farm is in its fourth year of production, supplying Albuquerque with a source of fresh produce at the Downtown Grower's Market, in resturants, and directly from the farm. Produce from the farm is now served in the school lunch program.
Sustainabilities Studies at SVA examines issues pertaining to the sustainable food movement through active participation. Juniors and seniors enrolled in the course earn an elective credit at SVA as well as an elective credit at th University of New Mexico (UNM)
Experienctial Learning Seminar 175. Students explore issues relating to the environment, culture, community and economy. Subjects asuch as seed saving, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), water rights, marketing, and the agricultural history of the South Valley are addressed. Students learn all aspects of small-scale farming including bed preparation, planting, harvesting, prepping, and marketing. Produce is sold at the Downtown Grower's Market and to SVA's lunch program. Sudents will work with other organizers to promote awareess of the
Farmer's Protection Act. They will learn about positive change and community organizing by hosting a community presentation on the proposed bill and constructing a float (with Farmer's Protection Act theme) for the annual Marigold Parade. The program recently received financial support from the USDA for a Community Foods Project Grant as a part of the
Youth Food Action Project (YFAP).
"I, Alexis, in the black standing up with glasses, and all my other classmates, (left to right) Josh, Melinda, Ana, Alexis(me), and Stephanie were picking onions which can be stored without a refrigerator for two months. its fun being out there with the class."- Alexis, SVAstudent
"Im AnaKaren in the red shirt, it is a new experience working on the farm."- Ana Karen, SVA student |
"A part of what we do at Dragon Farm is go to the Farmer's Market and sell our produce. We get to experience the whole part of being a Farmer, we prepare beds, just like the steps above, we plant seeds, we harvest, and we sell. Its nice to get out there and use the math that you learn in the classroom in reality." -Stephanie, SVA student
"If you have never been to a growers market I recommend you go you will love it!"- Lurdes, SVA student |
"This picture is a picture I took. With the yellow hots, green jalapenos and tomatoes. The food is so beautiful. This picture was taken in the morning when the sun perfectly lighted up the food in display just before we but a cover to block the sun. The food taste better than the it looks. What I am learning is so much fun and important! The experience of eating and planing my own food is a feeling that cannot be described. The connection between the land, the food and you. A connection that has been sadly lost."- Lurdes, SVA student